Saturday, December 25, 2010

12.25.10 – Christmas Fireworks, Cincinnati, Ohio

Technically this footage was shot last week, but I thought I'd save it for Christmas. Christmas used to be a far simpler affair -- Bing Crosby movies, carols, lots of food, and upset family members (and me skulking away to the TV). Now everything is a production. Here in Cincinnati, the downtown Macy's store has a repelling Santa (thankfully I missed that; not sure I'm ready for Santa as action hero) and fireworks.

As beautiful as the fireworks are/were, I'm not sure that's really what the Christmas spirit is all about.

Happy Holidays.


  1. What else is the Christmas spirit, if not Santa sliding down a building and fireworks bouncing off everything? I like to think it gives him practice for the ~1 billion or so chimneys.

    Excellent fireworks footage, by the way!

  2. Kent,

    You do have a point, but I think I like my Santa a bit more old fashioned and less Bruce Willis.

    Thanks for the compliments on the footage.
