Thursday, February 28, 2013


After fourteen and a half years I am moving, and am I ever overwhelmed. For a brief moment I actually started feeling good about things, thinking I had it under control, but that is not the case.

A woman at work said I must have liked my place to have stayed there that long. I will save my full response to that for another blog. The real reason I stayed there that long is so I didn't have to go through moving again.


  1. OMG, is that the sound of a helicopter from the opening of "Apocalypse Now"???
    That's what I heard, anyway, and I sincerely hope your move is a MILLION BILLION times happier and easier than filming that movie was!!!
    I wonder where you are moving... maybe you and Kent bought a house???
    I have not been on the blogosphere much so I'm sorry I haven't kept up with you...
    --This is Fresca from l'astronave (I don't seem to be signed in...)
    Best wishes for your move---surely it will usher in a fresh new wonderful stage in your life. Fingers crossed...

    1. Hi Fresca,

      Kent and I did get a house one whole mile away! It's good in that it will keep us in neighborhoods we like and that are walkable. It also allows me to move what I can to reduce the price of the professional movers. After three car loads of stuff today and a bad exchange with my landlady, I had a bit of a melt-down.

      I keep wishing a magic wand held by a sweet-looking older woman, like in the movies, would make it all done with. The sound effect is a train, which seemed appropriate, as it feels like something is running over me.

      I'm not on the blog, or reading the blogs, as much as I'd like these days, but do scan you and your friends photos in my reading panel, which I enjoy.

      Thanks for crossing your fingers for me. I will need it.

      Take care,

