Monday, August 27, 2012

I hate...just about everybody

I do have a tendency to get myself worked up about things, but in this case, it is justified. I'd been moving more and more into my boyfriend's condo, after us deciding we didn't want to be house-poor and thinking we should just suck it up and stay at his too-small-for-us loft condo for the time being. We'd already put up with the upstairs jerk, who'd been renting his space, and was thankfully moving out, but then, like a bad penny, he just can't be done with us.

Yep, all his treating the expensive loft like a gymnaseum caused the owner to, without warning, re-do the floors. When I first came in last Wednesday (after 5:00 p.m., I might say), I thought something was wrong with the duct system, the noise was so loud. I then realized there were some sort of power buffers being used upstairs. This went on until after 6:00 p.m. that night and started back up at 8:30 a.m. the next morning. Kent's condo is across the street from the casino being built, so I've gotten used to horrible noise and traffic aggravations, but this was beyond even the jackhammering.

Then the real horror -- chemicals. Anyone who knows me knows I am so allergic to so many things, but especially paints and strong chemicals. Kent sadly came home early on Thursday, with the beginnings of a cold (which thanks to the fumes, he still can't get over), and sadly alerted me to the new delima. I stopped by briefly and within about fifteen to twenty minutes had a horrible headache, felt itchy, and had the glands in my throat begin to swell. That's when I took what I could carry and evacuated, feeling so grateful that I still have my apartment.

Five days later and things have not improved. The absentee landlord is claiming that the windows can't be opened up completely in her unit because they don't all have screens and it would ruin the floor (I guess it doesn't matter if her neighbors who actually live in the building are sick or die due to the fumes) and her property manager claims that there's no odor in her unit now. BECAUSE THEY'RE ALL IN EVERYONE ELSE'S!!!!

I've already begun looking at the MLS listings again, to the horror of Kent, and have said never ever ever another condo.

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